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Re: [ARSCLIST] Transcription Turntable recommendations

The first step is getting an appraisal of your needs and a series of budgets based on what requirements emerge from this professionally made survey. 
If there is some uniformity to the collection and it is of substantial size, it pays to buy the equipment and do it in house.  If they are small clumps of recordings from varied sources, it's probably better to send it out.
Assuming the former, my suggestion is to have one of use experts help you choose the equipment within your budget and, once obtained, come to you, install it and show you how to get the best results from your discs.  The demo should be videotaped on your site, using your equipment, and allowing time for a q&a session.  In that way, you and your successors know what to do and what was done.  Aer a relatively short period for you to get comfortable with the process, you should be able to cut the cord rather than carry the overhead of a permanent consutant.
Needelss to say, I offer this service as do some others on this list.
Steve Smolian
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Thursday, December 11, 2003 11:29 PM
Subject: [ARSCLIST] Transcription Turntable recommendations

Dear colleagues:
The archive recently acquired a large collection of 33 1/3 radio transcription discs which we want to preserve in untainted archive reference copies.  We are looking for a good quality, reasonably priced unit that list members are familiar with in order to complete this process.  The unit does not have to be exclusively for 33 1/3 16" transcriptions and could serve as a multi purpose back up turntable.  We do not wish to invest in high end equipment for the limited use it will get and for the level of source material quality.  The discs we have are in near pristine condition with many of their original radio scripts included.  All are classical music.
Many thanks in advance for your suggestions by private email.
Johannes Bos-Beijer

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