I'm posting the following message on behalf of my friend and
ARSC member Fred Lipsett, who has experienced some delay in his recent attempts
to rejoin the ARSClist:
I have tried unsuccessfully to
resubscribe to the list, but Bill Klinger has kindly agreed to post this message
for me. Please reply to me at the address given below.
I am looking for a room mate
for the Cleveland conference. I have reserved a room with two beds at the
Renaissance Hotel from Tuesday March 9th for 8 nights, leaving Wednesday
March 17th. This is probably too long for most people, but staying that long is
not essential for a potential room mate. I am a retired physicist and amateur
musician with a special interest in science and music, which brought me to ARSC
several years ago. I don't smoke.
Fred Lipsett
37 Oriole Drive Ottawa ON K1J 7E8 Canada lipsett@xxxxxxxx
613-746-3507 |