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Re: [ARSCLIST] Monitor speakers for 78 rpm audio restoration?

RA Friedman,

Your decision on which speaker system would best suit your needs depends on a great many variables. The acoustic properties and size of the listening room are your first considerations. The purpose of the reproduction is another: headphones or small monitors for near-field listening are best when making judgments regarding noise-reduction. A greater distance from the speaker is appropriate when ascertaining how the end result will play in most home environments.

A few other things to consider: try using a monaural signal path utilizing a single loudspeaker for auditioning the final material. The complex phase relationships that occur when using stereo equipment (especially two speakers) can be the cause of some serious errors.

A very simple loudspeaker design that may be of interest to you (depending on your room) may be found at:


Check it out.

Stephen Dietz
Gramophonic Sound

PS - Loved your site and the recordings.

On Feb 16, 2004, at 5:20 AM, RA Friedman wrote:

Any recommendations for speakers to be used in a sound lab that restores primarily old, worn 78rpm discs? I'm not doing restorations to go on commercial CD reissues. I'd like to keep it under $500, but might be convinced to go higher.
RA Friedman
Yiddish-American Digital Archive

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