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[ARSCLIST] New: digital benefits and rarities still to find

In a message dated 3/30/04 9:06:11 PM, LISTSERV@xxxxxxx writes:

<< 1) Most analog source material (possibly excepting magnetic tape) was
created by,and can be played back by, a simple mechanical process that is
pretty well
obvious to anyone observing the medium. >>

Agreed, I don't think anyone serious about preservation is advocating
destruction of the original artifacts.  Just preservation, wider access to,
dissemination of, and indexing of the content.

<< Most analog sources (disc/cylinder) appear so far to have as close as any
man-made objects can get to eternal lifespan (assuming they do not meet with
abuse or inadvertant misfortune).>>

This seems to be overstating the case.  Analog discs are pretty fragile and
"inadvertant misfortune" can take make many forms over long time spans: fire,
water damage, civil unrest and acts of god.  If a major archive were to somehow
perish, it will be good that digital copies exist elsewhere.

<<On the other hand, there is a good chance that CD's, and particularly CD
-R's, do have a finite lifespan. >>

Yes, but the point of a comprehensive digital storage strategy with updating,
migrating and redundant digital copies is that the digits can outlast the
storage media without degradation.

<<As well, there is often other information available from careful observation
of a sound recording as an artifact (something I have learned as a
discographer!) >>

Absolutely! Agreed.

Dave Radlauer

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