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[ARSCLIST] ARSC -- Special Advertising Opportunity

The following message has been posted on behalf of the ARSC Advertising Manager, Martin Fisher.  If you have any questions or wish to advertise in any ARSC publications, please contact Martin at nipper@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx.  Please DO NOT simply hit REPLY, or post further messages to this list.



The Association for Recorded Sound Collections is currently offering a special, high-value advertising opportunity.


For just $150, you can place a full-page advertisement in the 2004-2005 ARSC Membership Directory This is the same rate normally charged for a full-page ad in the ARSC Journal, which is published twice a year.  However, the Directory is ARSC’s most frequently consulted publication and it remains in use for at least two years.  Your ad will gain broad, continuing exposure in the Directory, which provides detailed contact information for nearly 1000 individual and institutional members in 28 countries.



Please hurry!  Publication-ready artwork must be received no later than May 14, 2004.  To reserve space and arrange payment, please contact Martin Fisher, ARSC Advertising Manager, at nipper@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx or (615) 315-0611.



The ARSC Membership Directory is a perfect-bound book, 6 inches wide by 9 inches high, with half-inch margins.  Full-page ads should be formatted and scaled to a maximum width of 4-1/2 inches and a maximum height of 7-1/8 inches.



Your artwork file may be sent as an e-mail attachment (JPEG, TIF, PDF, Rich Text, etc.), directly to the printer, at Katherine@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.  The Subject Line of the e-mail message should read “ARSC 2004-2005 Directory” and the message should be cc’d to nipper@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx and shambarger@xxxxxxxxxxx.


Artwork may also be submitted on disk (QuarkXpress, Adobe PageMaker, etc.) or as camera-ready hard copy.  Please contact the printer for specific formatting and mailing instructions.  Any extra production work needed to reformat or amend layouts will require an additional $30.00 fee.  All advertising copy and graphics are subject to editorial approval.



Advertising rates and deadlines for the scholarly ARSC Journal and the informal ARSC Newsletter may be found at http://www.arsc-audio.org/rates.html.


The Association for Recorded Sound Collections (ARSC) is a non-profit organization dedicated to research, study, publication, and information exchange surrounding all aspects of recordings and recorded sound.  With one thousand members from twenty-eight countries, the organization is comprehensive in scope and reflects the interests and concerns of its members, including: collectors, dealers, appraisers, archivists, librarians, historians, musicians, students, discographers, reviewers, media producers and recording engineers.  For additional information about ARSC, its publications and policies, go to www.arsc-audio.org.


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