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[ARSCLIST] Recording rights

I'm looking for information on who presently- 2004- controls the rights to recordings on various record labels. 
The RIAA web page lists a few by each of the big 5.  Otherwise, I've been able to hunt down a batch one-at-a-time.
At the moment, I'm trying to find out who owns Liberty Music Shop, Remington, Diplomat (which, if memory serves, was a label of Synthetic Plastics), Prominade, Allegro-Royale, Ballen Record Co; Gold Star (Hollywood); Gold Star (Houston), among others.  Please supply a citation for data when possible.
I've been unable to hunt down a web page that gives this info.  One would think it would be on the Billboard and/or Variety, RIAA and other industry-related web sites, but publically available data seems minimal.
There are numerous sites with record company histories but which are often somewhat muzzy about the eventual fate of each label.   
These include Both Sides Now, the Red Saunders Research Foundation, one by J.C. Marion and Wikipedia.  The last is one where anyone can post and seems otherwise unsupervised which makes its reliability questionable.
Steve Smolian

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