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Re: [ARSCLIST] Sound Archivists

In the last two year I have been the Sound Archivist and Technician for the
Glottology and History of Music Department at "La Sapienza" in Rome. It is
only one of my titles because I'm a freelance like sound enginier for
classic music.
At the department we have a laboratory (a small post-production suite) where
transfer the 78rpm collection of Music Department, make fonetic analisys for
Glottology student and have a class about "Use of computer in Music Study".

Francesco La Camera
Laboratorio di Acustica e Masterizzazione
Dipartimento di Studi Demoetnoantropologici
e Discipline Musicali
Facoltà di Lettere
Università "La Sapienza", Roma.
e-mail: labacustica.gam@xxxxxxxxxxx

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