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Anyone out there have experience with IDE RAID?  I'm entertaining the
thought of creating an IDE RAID set up using an IDE RAID PCI card and a PC
packed with a bunch of disks as a mid-cost-level audio file storage server
(as opposed to dropping the big bucks--which we as a small, independent
non-profit, don't have--on say a Dell Power Vault or some other NAS).  I'd
like to do RAID 5, if that sort of thing can be done with an IDE RAID card.
 However, I am most interested in hearing any experiences--positive and
negative--with using IDE RAID for file (in particular audio file) storage,
and the merits of different RAID levels for audio storage.

Right now we've got stuff saved on a variety of internal and external hard
drives and data CDs, so I'm thinking IDE RAID might not be a bad starting
point for improvement.



Andy Kolovos
Vermont Folklife Center
P.O. Box 442
Middlebury, VT 05753
(802) 388-4964

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