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To George and everyone else--
Somehow, three e-mails that I sent to my Library of Congress e-mail address from another LOC workstation so that I could print them out elsewhere wound up as ARSCLIST postings! I have no idea how this happened and I apologize for boring you (or teasing you with records that you can't hear) with these lists.
"FMIA" stands for "Folk Music in America," the 15 album series that Dick Spottswood edited in the 1970s. I've been working with him on a reissue of this series (we'll let you know when it's ready!), and these were lists of Library of Congress field recordings that might be added.
Message to Dick: I'll be sending the CDs that correspond to these lists to you next week!
All the best,
the emperor has no clothes on - what on earth are the three lists you have
distributed on ARSClist? I know that sometimes the internet gives me the Re:
from ARSClist before the original posting, perhaps I just have to wait.
However, each of the listings is mouth-watering, and I would love to have
originals or pressings from original transfers (such as the LibCon red
albums). No CDs, however.
Well, it will resolve itself, or you will tell me.
Kind regards,

Matthew Barton
American Folklife Center
The Library of Congress
101 Independence Ave., SE
Washington, DC 20540-4610
phone: (202) 707-1733
fax: (202) 707-2076
email: mbarton@xxxxxxx

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