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[ARSCLIST] ARSC Fall Newsletter deadline

The deadline for submissions for the upcoming ARSC Newsletter is next
Friday, October 15th. Because of the fall ARSC board meeting, I've
pushed the deadline back a few days.

If you have news appropriate for inclusion, please email it to me. This
could include:  upcoming events of interest to ARSC members; news on
recent projects, acquisitions, or grants received; requests for
research assistance from other ARSC members; reports from ARSC
committees and local chapters; news about your company; or other news
that may be of interest to ARSC members. Feel free to contact me if you
have ideas or questions.

If you would like to advertise goods or services in the newsletter or
place a classified ad, please contact advertising manager Martin Fisher
(nipper@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx) as soon as possible.

David Seubert
Editor, ARSC Newsletter

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