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Re: [ARSCLIST] Dehumidifiers

I'm interested in the very same thing, so please CC me on any replies,
if you would.

Matt Bailey
Audiovisual Archivist

Richard B. Russell Library for Political Research and Studies
University of Georgia Libraries
Athens, GA 30602-1641

andy kolovos wrote:


I apologize for the cross posting--this has gone out to the ARSC list and
AV Media Matters.

Our dehumidifier just croaked.  I'm looking to upgrade from our now-defunct
consumer dehumidifier that sort-of-did-what-I-needed to an industrial model
that can actually achieve the RH levels I'm after.

We're not in a position to have our HVAC system upgraded or replaced to add
integrated dehumidification, so I'm just interested in a portable model
that can deal with the following:

Approx 3200 cubic feet, with a desired RH of between 50%-40% at 60 degrees F.

I've had Ebac units recommended, in particular the Ebac CD60.  Any one out
there have advice or suggestions?


Andy Kolovos
Vermont Folklife Center
P.O. Box 442
Middlebury, VT 05753
(802) 388-4964

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