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Re: [ARSCLIST] Dehumidifiers

Hi, Andy,

When I moved into my new home in Aurora, Ontario, although there were no
signs of water damage or mould, I did notice that the RH of my finished
basement which is now my temporary studio and will have the permanent
studio built in it was hitting about 55% at 70F.

I didn't think this good for your tape (or others') so I immediately went
and purchased a consumer dehumidifier. It had been a very wet summer here
(although we were accused of bringing the good weather from Southern Calif
after we arrived) and most stores didn't have any at the end of the summer.
I was able to grab a nice computerized unit from Canadian Tire --
unfortunately it's marketed under the Canadian Tire "Simplicity" brand. It
is rated at 38 pints (the Ebac is 56 pints for $1650). As far as I can see
it's a Simplicity 38. I'm sure it's marketed under other brands.

I'm currently measuring 39.5% at 72F in the vicinity of the machine--and
it's running. But I've got it in about 10,000 cubic feet that is open to
the upper two floors through the stairwell.

The computer control measures (fairly accurately) the local RH and will
control to a set point, beeps if the bucket is full (can be connected with
a hose to a drain) and also has freeze-up protection.

I will probably buy a second one next summer to fully cover the basement
and so I can run it only when I'm not there, but I was impressed for $300
or so Cdn. It doesn't have a pump like the Ebac, but one I can gravity feed
into a floor drain, and a small decorative fountain pump should deal with
the other one.

This is a higher end consumer unit than the others I looked at. I was
amazed by the feature set for the price.

I don't know how it will work at 60F. I don't work well at 60F <smile>. It
is designed to work below 60F in a cycling mode. I don't think it has the
hot gas bypass heater of the Ebac.

It's about 10dBA noisier than the Ebac--I measured mine in a loud mode at

Of course, now you won't be needing the dehumidifier until summer, will
you? We're having wonderful fall colours up here.



At 12:11 PM 2004/10/28 -0400, andy kolovos wrote:

Our dehumidifier just croaked.  I'm looking to upgrade from our now-defunct
consumer dehumidifier that sort-of-did-what-I-needed to an industrial model
that can actually achieve the RH levels I'm after.

We're not in a position to have our HVAC system upgraded or replaced to add
integrated dehumidification, so I'm just interested in a portable model
that can deal with the following:

Approx 3200 cubic feet, with a desired RH of between 50%-40% at 60 degrees

I've had Ebac units recommended, in particular the Ebac CD60.  Any one out
there have advice or suggestions?


Andy Kolovos
Vermont Folklife Center
P.O. Box 442
Middlebury, VT 05753
(802) 388-4964

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