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Re: [ARSCLIST] Egmont Records info needed

As you may know, there were recording operations all over Europe that
recorded classical works, operas and operatic excerpts, shows and pop songs
and sold copies of the tapes they made to any company anywhere that wanted
them.  The buyer issued them on cheap labels, making up his own name for the
performers.  Years ago, a friend and I spent an evening with a U.S. low-end
record co executive making up performer and performing group names which
were amusing nonsense and sounded authentic to those with no foreign lanuage
skills.  This was in the mid 1960s.  The vocal material was available with
the orchestral background only.  A vocalist would pay a company to record a
recital, using headphones to take the accompaniment feed.  Early Karaoke.

Eddie Smith (EJS) was involved in some of these ventures.  I recall a
complete Mikado issued here with Martyn Green and, sung in German, with
someone else, issued there.  I think some U.S. Allegro vocal recitals were
made this way.

Somwhere I have a catalog from one of these companies whose name I can't
recall.  It's in my catalog files (about 12 4 drawer files) and can dig it
out if someone else on this list can supply likely company names- real ones.

Steve Smolian

----- Original Message -----
From: "Copeland, Peter" <Peter.Copeland@xxxxx>
To: <ARSCLIST@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Wednesday, December 08, 2004 6:40 AM
Subject: Re: [ARSCLIST] Egmont Records info needed

Dear All,
   I may be able to help offline; I have been collecting Egmont records
a rather odd reason. They were pressed in Britain by the British Homophone
factory in south London, which was quite the worst pressing-plant in
Britain. And the combination of classical music and British Homophone
pressing seems mutually incompatible! My home email address is :
   I am attempting similar work with a number of other British and
record-companies, so I'd be pleased if this listserv can come up with any
specific rules. To set the ball rolling, may I mention the Tchaikovsky
Violin Concerto with Oistrakh as the soloist, and conducted by Gauk? This
has been reissued in Britain on no less than six labels, because the
Union was all too happy to plug Soviet material at the time, and in any
it had no copyright laws.
Peter Copeland
Former Conservation Manager,
British Library Sound Archive

-----Original Message-----
From: Eric Goldberg [mailto:ericgoldie@xxxxxxxxxx]
Sent: 22 November 2004 08:52
To: ARSCLIST@xxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: [ARSCLIST] Egmont Records info needed

I recently was given a collection of Classical LPs that includes some
records on Egmont, which is a British label from the 50's or 60's.

They seem to be pseudonymous and I was wondering if anyone could help
identify the real players.

The records are Tchaikovsky's PATHETIQUE with the Odessa
Phillharmonic and Rudolf Bodenheim
       Beethoven Violin Concerto with Marcu Belayeff w. Odessa PO
cond, Vassili Shiveski
       Bach Piano Recital w. Stephen McKinnon
       Bach Brandenburg No. 5 and the 2 Violin Concerto Essen PO/
Michael Schwarz
       Mozart Piano Concerto No. 20 (listed on label and jacket as
23) and Piano Sonata in A K331 w. Maria Beretta, Madrid Pro Arte w
George Dufours.

Thank you for any help which you can offer.

Eric Goldberg


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