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Re: [ARSCLIST] Compression (was Re: [ARSCLIST] A fundamental Flaw ...)

a) this means that the artist has no control of the final product

Not quite sure I understand...

the way the record album sounds, whatever format was chosen for

I guess it depends on how one defines the "final product."
 Many artists are subject to the inclinations of the producer/record

the devil is in this detail, their choice....

Further, the musician has no control over the listening environment
equipment of the listener is using.

hope they got good engineering, could make a difference.

.... this idea would probably void speaker and amp warranties

Which is why I would fuse the speakers...sometimes saving a speaker...

I agree with with you which is what we did and do fuse speakers when dealing with people who are just learning about signal processing. my point was about how the manufacturers would respond......

and then I as a "purist" would question how the fusing changes the
color of the sound !

For me, an excessive (subjective) amount of compression diminishes the
of the music. A range of dynamics in art music can be highly

here I also agree with you.

A story I may have related before...listening to.... a (highly
compressed radio broadcast recording)

but why would one bring broadcast compression into my statement on needing compression to translate a recording to the playback medium? this type of signal processing when done properly allows the listener to transcend the recording and hear the performance. Broadcasters are concerned with how well the signal transmits. ( Market share and all that.... )

As an experiment....listened with score and
made about 100 changes in amplitude to the composer's performance

But when you ride the gain knob, turning it up and down to suit the dynamics of the score, are you not compressing the dynamic range of the performance????? I hope you did this post recording. of course I know that if it was analogue tape you have a stunted dynamic range in which you must fit the performance into, using 24 bit technology, dynamic rangeis almost negligible ( except that digital has problems with low level signal...... and "headroom" issues but this is a recording issue not a post production conundrum).

Dale dale@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx www.longrunaudio.com

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