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Re: [ARSCLIST] software for .wav files


How do you make your CDs?
If it is on a PC workstation, the files will probably be in a WAV
format, so you can copy them straight to any other computer storage
medium, including CD-data, DVD, Blu-ray, streamer tape...
Converting audio CDs back to WAV files (ripping) may introduce some

Jos Van Dyck
NGM archiving solutions

-----Original Message-----
From: Association for Recorded Sound Discussion List
[mailto:ARSCLIST@xxxxxxx]On Behalf Of Anonymous SET ARSCLIST DIGEST
Sent: maandag 21 februari 2005 16:53
To: ARSCLIST@xxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: [ARSCLIST] software for .wav files

Hello all,

This is a follow-up to my format conundrum query a while back.  Thank
you all for offering your suggestions on what I could use to replace
1/4" analog tape for archiving.  I have decided that, in addition to
the CD-Rs that I generate of every original recording, I will begin to
save .wav files to a 500GB hard drive.

Now, my question is, what have those of you doing this found to be a
high quality software to do the conversion to an uncompressed .wav

Thank you,

Kevin Irelan

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