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[ARSCLIST] MLA 2005 awards


The Music Library Association is pleased to announce its 2005 awards, given at our Annual Meeting in Vancouver, B.C. A summary appears below. More information on each award is available at our website, <www.musiclibraryassoc.org>, including application calls for next year?s research and travel awards.

Awarded to Joseph Boonin, who has retired from The New York Public Library. "As a stalwart supporter of both music and libraries for over fifty years, as a publisher and music distributor, and finally as one who always felt most at home as a music librarian, he will be remembered always as MLA's unofficial voice-of-common-sense. His humanity, his kindness, and his steady, logical approach to problems great and small have inspired generations of music librarians. He has fostered much good will between librarians and publishers. His advocacy of music libraries, of MLA and public libraries in particular, and his service for two terms as a Board Member-at-Large, have made MLA a better organization.?

- Vincent H. Duckles Award for the best book-length bibliography or other research tool in music: to Dictionnaire de la musique en France au XIXe siècle (Fayard, 2003), prepared under the direction of Joël-Marie Fauquet.

- Richard S. Hill Award for the best article on music librarianship or article of a music-bibliographic nature: to Leslie Troutman posthumously for her article ?Comprehensiveness of Indexing in Three Music Periodical Index Databases," published in Music Reference Services Quarterly, vol. 8, issue 1 (2001), 39-51.

- Eva Judd O'Meara Award for the best review published in Notes: to Ann Morrison Spinney for her review of Writing American Indian Music: Historic Transcriptions, Notations, and Arrangements, edited by Victoria Lindsay Levine (Recent Researches in American Music, 44. Music of the United States of America, 11), Madison: A-R Editions, 2002. The review appeared in Notes vol. 59, no. 3, March 2003, pp. 624-626.

- Carol June Bradley Award to support studies that involve the history of music libraries or special collections: to Anita Breckbill and Carole Goebes for "Music Circulating Libraries in France." Both Ms. Breckbill and Ms. Goebes are librarians at the University of Nebraska, Lincoln. Their continued research on the topic will involve visits to libraries and businesses in and around Paris.

- Dena Epstein Award for Archival and Library Research in American Music: to Melissa J. de Graaf, a Ph.D. candidate at Brandeis University. This award will enable Ms. de Graaf?s research at various archival collections for her dissertation, ?Documenting Music in the New Deal: The New York City Composers? Forum Concerts, 1935-40.?

To Carlos Peña and Romeo Whou in support of attending the recent MLA annual meeting in Vancouver, B.C. This is the ninth year MLA has awarded this travel grant to students, recent graduates, or other colleagues who are new to the profession. Carlos Peña is in the M.L.I.S. program at the University of Pittsburgh, Romeo Whou is in the M.L.S. and M.A. programs at the State University of New York at Buffalo.

Ken Calkins, MLA Publicity Officer
Music Librarian
University of California, San Diego
9500 Gilman Drive #0175Q
La Jolla, CA 92093 -0175
voice: 858-534-1267
fax: 858-534-0189

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