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Re: [ARSCLIST] Restoration Software

Since everyone seems to have an opinion, I'll donate my $.02US.

I don't restore recordings except to listen to them.  I don't handle
commercial ventures or historic preservation.  I don't care about
labels, and I seldom care about condition.  Although I'm technically
proficient, I'm an amateur with a private collection of 78s only; 90%
electric, 10% acoustic; >50% would be graded G+ or worse.  I often use
these recordings as source material for performance as a musician.

My need is to make listenable digital recordings with minimal effort and
reasonable cost.  I need to be able to hear and understand spoken and
sung words.  I sometimes need to pull chords from music.

I've used several software products, and have found DC6 best for my
needs.  Usually I just need to get a rough understanding of a
recording's most troublesome features, pick a set of filters, and go.
It has many professional features that I have never used (although I
know some professionals who do use it, primarily for digitally repairing
archival spoken word tapes).

As they say, "YMMV."

 Pete Tinker,Ph.D.

 HRL Laboratories, LLC
 Information and System Sciences Laboratory
 Advanced Technology Department
 310 317 5503 voice
 310 317 5695 fax
 3011 Malibu Canyon Road
 Malibu, CA  90265 USA

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