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Re: [ARSCLIST] Digital recorder for transferring LP collection

At 07:33 AM 6/3/2005 -0400, you wrote:
Thanks to Richard Hess and Damien Moody, and thanks for replies in two
related threads.  Sorry for the stupid e-mail address with the ficticious
name.  :)

The quest comes down to a few more specific questions.

Recording directly to computer
1. "Use a computer, spend 5 minutes dropping track marks, ... total 10
minutes."  Inserting track marks can be tedious if it involves cutting and
pasting.  (Also slow and may require a lot of memory, fast computer, and/or
lots of disk swapping.)  Is there a way to do this with software, with a
press of a button?

2. What software will do this conveniently?  Do I need a whole 1 GB  to
handle this conveniently if I record a whole side on one track?

Take a look at CDWAV ( http://www.cdwave.com/ ). A small, quick Windows program to split tracks either as separate WAVs or by generating a CUE sheet. Disclaimer; the author is a friend and I hosted the program until he registered his own domain.

One virtue is that you can use the autosplit function, then refine the
splits manually.

Mike -- mrichter@xxxxxxx http://www.mrichter.com/

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