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Re: [ARSCLIST] 2GB limit for audio file formats

Don Cox:

> Muted trumpet is the test. The waveform is a series of spikes almost
> identical in shape to typical clicks.

Spiky yes but not much in common with a click/crackle. If they were it
would indeed approximate to the sound of a crackle/click.

But in a sense you´re correct insofar that Cedar has a lot of problems
with trumpets as it mistakes them from clicks.

I´m speaking about Cedar for Windows here.

The production declicker in Sonic Solutions NoNoise has very little
trouble with that ime.

> I disagree. Given a suitable cartridge, the trumpet will
> roll off about 20KHz and the clicks will not.

I´d say that it depends on how it was recorded, trumpet that is.

As for the clicks more on that later.


Goran Finnberg
The Mastering Room AB

E-mail: mastering@xxxxxxxxx

Learn from the mistakes of others, you can never live long enough to
make them all yourself.    -   John Luther

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