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[ARSCLIST] ARSC Audio Preservation Directory

Dear Mr. Georgitis -

Please let us know what we need to do to be listed in the directory. We are
a member of the ARSC, and we have been doing archival re-recording,
reformatting, preservation and audio restoration for over 15 years.

We have done this for both private and public institutions, and have
re-recorded literally thousands of open reel tapes and other analog and
digital formats.

Please see:


Best, Parker Dinkins

on 7/15/05 11:24 AM US/Central, Nathan Georgitis at
nathang@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx wrote:

> By decision of the ARSC Board of Directors, the directory includes
> ARSC members who offer preservation and restoration services and ARSC
> members and non-members who offer preservation and restoration
> supplies.

Parker Dinkins
MasterDigital Corporation
CD Mastering + Audio Restoration

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