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[ARSCLIST] Location, locartion, location (was Re: [ARSCLIST] Any feedback on the status of Hogan Archive ...)

Karl Miller wrote:

For me, digitization is only part of it. Duplicate copies, in different
locations is, for me, of equal importance. While we do not have the fiscal
resources to adequately address our preservation needs, unlike the
Library of Alexandria, we do have the techology to make duplicate
copies at minimal expense.

Some decades back, a study was undertaken to locate the national radio telescope. The primary requirement was minimum exposure to natural disasters - earthquake, hurricane, tornado, flood, ... The site chosen was Green Bank, West Virginia. Somewhat different criteria have applied for storage of corporate records; the resolution there involved depleted salt mines. National defense requirements led to the development of Cheyenne Mountain.

The point is that if a national archive is to be established, those responsible might first define criteria for its location, then assess available sites. Secondary repositories make sense, particularly when duplicate digital records are involved, but note that they will have different criteria from the primary. For example, a secondary archive should be readily accessible; the primary need not be.


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