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Re: [ARSCLIST] "Good enough" automated sound clean-up software

Hi, thanks for the detailed response.

I don't understand what you mean by "wouldn't even attempt to fix."

I didn't get that far into the program, and yes, I believe I WAS using the Wizard. With relatively quiet files (most of the LP files I tested), the program at least made a stab at cleaning up the file. With "noisy" files (most of my 78 files) it just failed. Perhaps I have to avoid the Wizard and dive into the individual functions. This is what I was hoping to avoid!

I am not an audio engineer (professional or amateur), and haven't much time to devote to this project. I'd like to clean up a few hundred 78 sides without lavishing particular attention on any of them. This may be a pipe dream. Or perhaps I need a Cedar strength solution and nothing short will do the trick? I will look into Algortihmix ScratchFree Pro and the other products you suggest.

Again, many thanks!


At 11:38 AM 9/14/2005, you wrote:
Hi, Joel,

I don't understand what you mean by "wouldn't even attempt to fix."


Joel Bresler 250 E. Emerson Rd. Lexington, MA 02420 USA

781-862-4104 (Telephone & FAX)
back-up email: joelbresler-at-gmail.com

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