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Re: [ARSCLIST] Storage of audio CDs

At 10/3/2005 07:46 AM, Karl Miller wrote:
And, on a related note. I guess I must not be keeping up with things much
lately...but yesterday a friend of mine was asking about recommendations
on which DAT machine to buy to replace his...I was rather surprised to see
that the format seems to be disappearing quickly.

Perhaps someone on the list has some information on this...are DAT
machines about to go the way of the 8-track cartridge?

They probably will. I was told by an equipment salesman (not necessarily the most reliable source, of course) that ALPS, the last maker of DAT transports that were used by Sony, Tascam and the other makers of recorders, has ceased production of those transports. As a result, nobody can get the transports necessary to build more machines.

There might be a handful of recorders left in the retail channel, but when that supply dries up, there won't be any more new ones. I have no idea whether anybody has a decent spare parts inventory.

This implies that those of us in the archival community should make sure that our collections include at least one working DAT player, and we should consider transferring the contents of our existing DATs to a more stable and accessible format as a top priority.

John Ross
Northwest Folklife

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