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Re: [ARSCLIST] Curatorial Responsibility, formerly Copyright of treasures

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Steven Smolian" smolians@xxxxxxxxx

> The institution makes an investment in shelving space, heating, curatorial
> services, etc., when it accepts a collection.  If building traffic is one
> its objectives, this being a factor determining budget, then travel to it
> certainly a legitimate requirement, though it may be expensive and
> inconvenient to the pilgrim.
> Those archives which are part of university structures have, in addition,
> the need to offer research materials for advanced degrees.  Obtaining such
> collections is a more scholarly use of its funds than subsidizing sports
> should result in greater enrolment which again feeds the aquisition pool.
> Intellectual fertilizer, if you will.
This, then, boils down to whether the institution maintains a
library in order to survive, or vice versa! It seems logical to
me that the presevation of civilization would require the
maintenance of publicly accessible archives (the fact that I
have a copy of a rare recording is no guarantee that it can
be accessed!).

As a parallel, we can consider the question of whether sports
teams exist to help support the university or vice versa...


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