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Re: [ARSCLIST] Copyright of treasures

Steven C. Barr wrote:
----- Original Message ----- From: "Richard L. Hess" ArcLists@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

It's interesting that the recorded media has pushed copyright far more than the print media ever did.

Simple...in this day and age it is much easier to make an effectively exact copy of a sound recording than a printed document (although I think there were attempts to "pirate" the Harry Potter books before their relase?)...

In the classic sense, "Follow the money".

The cost of photocopying a conventional book is seldom much less than the cost of buying it. The cost of copying a CD or DVD is only a few percent. of the cost of the original. An unbound duplicate of a book is far less valuable than the original in practice; an unpackaged duplicate of a CD or DVD is of only slight less value than the original; in fact, where 'protection' is used to complicate duplication and to make the original unreadable in some players, the duplicate may be worth more than the original.


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