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Re: [ARSCLIST] VPI Vs. Nitty Gritty

The 17 has a few extra features that make it both a better cleaner and easier to use, especially for cleaning large numbers of records. 
The platter can be made to spin in both directions, which means you can go at the grooves from two angles, basicly. The built-in brush on the 17 (lacking on the 16.5) is also the fluid dispenser, which saves time. Naturally there's an extra tank for the unused cleaning fluid, as well as the waste tank. Lastly, I think the 17's body is made of more water-resistant material, though that may be true only for certain custom orders, as the Library's was. I'm not sure about this.
The platters on VPIs have long been their weakest link, though I believe they have improved. Cork platters from 10-15 years ago suffered from a lot of warping, which really hurts performance. The more recent models the Library has do not have this problem. The 16.5 platter is rubber topped, I think. I've never experienced any significant problems of re-dirtying the newly cleaned side. Usually I would clean both sides, then do a quick vacuum pass on each side to get any bits of air-borne or other dust before sleaving the record.

Has Nitty Gritty made any important design changes in the last 15 years or so? I'm curious what merits it may have that I haven't experience on the older models.

And as usual, these are my opinions/thoughts and don't reflect LOC policy, etc. etc.


>>> lani_spahr@xxxxxxxxx 11/10/05 3:23 PM >>>
--- James L Wolf <jwol@xxxxxxx> wrote:

> The VPI 17 is of course a lot better than the 16.5,

In what way? (interested in one, as well)

Lani Spahr

Yahoo! Mail - PC Magazine Editors' Choice 2005 

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