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Re: [ARSCLIST] [AMPEX] Loss of Lubricant and A- and B-winds

During the squeal , the tape will oscillate in sync with the squeal ,
and severly distort the new copy. Filters won't work for that

Especially true when SSS is the cause of the squeal.

Robert Hodge,
Senior Engineer
Belfer Audio Archive
Syracuse University
222 Waverly Ave .
Syracuse N.Y. 13244-2010

315-443- 7971

>>> angie@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 11/14/2005 9:35 AM >>>
Tom Fine wrote:
  > Another idea might be to filter the squeal frequency out if it's
> enough and constant enough. I've never encountered this problem with
> cassettes.

Be very careful about playing a squealing tape at all without 
lubricating it.  I've actually had squeal print to tape!!  This was 
years ago when I first encountered the problem on a VO master recorded

on reused tape of unknown origin.

Since then I have encountered only a couple tapes with the problem and

have used my own primitive methods to re lubricate.  I've been very 
interested in what others have come up with.

Angie Dickinson Mickle
Arvada, Colorado

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