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Re: [ARSCLIST] Edward R. Murrow "Hear It Now"

Steven C. Barr wrote:
----- Original Message ----- From: "Tom Fine" <tflists@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>

Also, it's fascinating to hear the actual
voices of both historic figures and ordinary people of those days. To my
ears, the regional accents of America were more pronounced back then, and
the average person had a more refined and clearer way of speaking.

Probably because this was well before the ubiquity of television reduced North American speech to a "lowest common denominator!" Remember that children are often "Baby-sat" by the TV, and learning how to speak from the audio rather than from their family...

Forty years ago, I was working for MIT on Apollo and had to deal with the folks at NASA in Huntsville, AL. That meant not only communicating with 'our' German rocket scientists but also to translate between the operators. Massachusetts and Alabama spoke distinctly different tongues.

Returning to the Subject, was not the first of the LPs - Columbia 4095 dealing with the war years - rather in the style of the broadcasts? I also have two later ones (Columbia ML 5109; RCA LM 2212), on Ben Gurion and Marian Anderson which are clearly not what the OP is seeking.


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