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Re: [ARSCLIST] LP storage &c. (and bagpipes)

When my older sister got married, my father wanted to have bagpipes playing after the ceremony. I asked a Scottish friend of mine if he knew of any bagpipers that could play at my sister's wedding.

He replied, "Why?To frighten the guests?"

John Bondurant
Sound Preservation & Access Assistant
Berea College Appalachian Sound Archives

On Dec 3, 2005, at 2:56 PM, Don Tait wrote:

Regarding this diversion to bagpipes and bagpipers, I am reminded of
something I read many years ago: a child, seeing and hearing a bagpiper, supposedly
said to him later "maybe if you stopped squeezing it it would stop screaming."

That said, I confess that I enjoy hearing bagpipes once in a while.

Don Tait

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