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Re: [ARSCLIST] Acoustic playback, 78 cartridge and stylus question

  I have been following this discussion. Someone else asked about more modern electric playback.
  Using a new cartridge and 78 stylus, which ones work best for various types? I also ask this for the purely selfish reason that I need new ones myself. I am asking about the midprice range, not the cheapest, nor expensive. What do people use on a daily basis? The other side of the question is are there combinations that work best for acoustic, for electric, and then for the more modern post WWII 78s.  I would prefer to only buy one cartridge (but only used for 78s) and then get the separate styli. I  use a standard mount head shell. 
  I  used to have various ones for different purposes, but most are now lost or damaged. I have tended to use Shure, and I remember the early 78 one of the late 70s when they had to be carefully cut with a razor or knife in order to fit into a cartridge. I still have a V15III cartridge but I never found it satisfactory, it played too light.
  Cheryl Thurber 

Mike Richter <mrichter@xxxxxxx> wrote:
There were two pages - each about six years old and substantially in 
need of modernizing. I've made some slight modifications, but otherwise 
they are as I posted them in the last millennium. 



Dr. Cheryl Thurber email: cthurb@xxxxxxxxx


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