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Re: [ARSCLIST] message board vs. listserv

Message boards and listservs each have their purpose, and personal
preference has much (arguably everything) to do with personal usage:

I like listservs when I'm very active and following every thread
daily, if not participating as well.

I like message boards when I'm active only a few times per week
and/or need to search for something.

I like message boards for super high traffic groups (100 posts
per day or more), where me and my email would be overwhelmed.

I like message boards when I'm new to a group - they are easier
to search, wade in and follow.

Because of my level of interest in ARSC, I personally prefer the
listserv, but that may not be representative of the majority of
ARSCList members.

Eric Jacobs
The Audio Archive
tel: 408.221.2128
fax: 408.549.9867

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