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Re: [ARSCLIST] Acostic playback

Well, keep in mind that all that playback on a vintage acoustic machine
can do is to provide an approximation of what a listener of the same era
as the record might have heard...MORE OR LESS! Since little if anything
was known about acoustics, the sound of each machine varied according
to the characteristics of the diaphraghm, the tone arm and the playing
horn as well as their dimensions (with the latter depending more on
available space than anything). As well, the listening environment
(i.e. size, shape and dimensions of the room, as well as its
surfaces) would also affect the playback sound.

Remember that listeners of that era were supposed to be amazed
at the mere fact that sound could be saved on a shellac disc and
reproduced as desired...not how well that was done (see Dr. Johnson's
comment about a dog walking on its hind legs...)!

Steven C. Barr

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