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Re: [ARSCLIST] Risk assessment tool--off brands

I have some reels branded Memorex and they've held up just fine. Very similar to Ampex 632 in look and feel but lower-noise. In fact, I just put one up a week or so ago and was so happy to find an LP that is now scratched up was recorded very well to that tape back in my youth.

-- Tom Fine

----- Original Message ----- From: "Scott D. Smith" <sdsmith@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
To: <ARSCLIST@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Saturday, January 07, 2006 6:44 PM
Subject: Re: [ARSCLIST] Risk assessment tool--off brands


I have heard that Newark used Audio Devices (Audiotape) stock for their house brand, but no one has ever confirmed that for me, so I wouldn't give it much merit.

I have only seen a few rolls of Newark over the years (seems to have been used mostly by home hobbyists). I haven't had an opportunity to try and match it to any known stocks, so I really don't have a clue-would be interesting to find out.

I haven't seen any mention of Memorex, BASF, Pyral, Maxell or any Russion stocks? Comments anyone?

Scott D. Smith
Chicago Audio Works, Inc.


Don Tait wrote:

Another of the many off-brand tapes was sold by Newark Electronics Corporation, which had stores in Chicago and Inglewood, California. The boxes were identified as "Newark Recording Tape." I mention it because it seems to have been pretty good tape, and if anyone has any they might still be in good condition. I always used Scotch for my own things, but when I began to transfer records for a Chicago radio station in 1964 or '65 I used Newark 1800' Mylar because it was less expensive. Not back-coated of course in those days. I still have the tapes and they play perfectly well after forty years. The splices hold, too.
Don Tait

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