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Re: [ARSCLIST] Sound card recommendations

steven c wrote:

Obviously, it is in the interest of society (whether society realizes
this or not is open to question) to preserve as much of the total
of historic sound recordings (of any nature) as is feasible. Each
historic sound recording contains information, and the more
information we are able to preserve for our posterity the better
off that posterity will be!

Let us accept as true what you assert to be obvious. I will postulate that higher quality of preservation - more bits, channels, documentation, etc. - takes more resources than less. Then it follows that one must choose a balance between quantity of material preserved and quality of preservation. (Let's discuss separately the desirability of higher quality for material deemed more valuable or more important.)

Given finite resources and ever-expanding source material, definitions of 'good enough' for various purposes seem appropriate. Otherwise, everyone who is not generating material for archiving will need to be an archivist.


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