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Re: [ARSCLIST] Fw: [ARSCLIST] Vinegar syndrome audio tapes

At 05:56 PM 1/19/2006, Tom Fine wrote:

4. I just recently encountered Audiotape reels with strong vinegar smell. They had been stored in good conditions (Northeast US room temperature) for a few decades. I was surprised by this because previous vinegar tapes were more likely from damper places like basements. The tapes played just fine and I transferred them. Good thing they played because they had some content it would not be easy to re-record.

My least favorite syndromes are, in order: mold, sticky-shed, bad splices, vinegar, edge curl/warp.


The problem based on what we know from film is that VS is autocatalytic and once started will progress faster than one would like.

What I see from your comments about 111 (snipped) and Audiotape is that the process has started and we have a decade or two to get it all transferred if we want to - perhaps longer, probably not shorter than a decade. I think it's something people really need to think about.



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