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Re: [ARSCLIST] Subject: Re: [ARSCLIST] CD Longevity (was Vinegar syndrome audio tapes

On 21/01/06, Mike Richter wrote:
> Frank Strauss wrote:
>> Hi Tom-I am a long time lurker on this list, trying to learn what I
>> can, and have been very interested in this thread. I have put about
>> 500 cd's into iTunes, using mp3 format at 196 kbs. I love music, and
>> have always thought I had reasonably good ears. I am disturbed to
>> think that with iTunes(and by this, I probably mean any compressed
>> format) you have vastly inferior audio quality. It is probably my
>> aging ears, but I have trouble telling which is the original cd and
>> which is the iTunes mp3. Are you or others on this list able to
>> listen to both formats without knowing which is which, and tell the
>> difference? (As in the test in Grand Central Station, NYC, where they
>> had live behind one curtain and AR speakers behind the other) Thanks,
>> FBS
> It is possible to detect the differences depending on encoder,
> bitrate, and most significantly listening closely, particularly when
> one knows what to listen for. Among the differences, imaging is
> distorted, though that matters little on a studio recording.

I also found audible differences between different decoders, on my

Don Cox

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