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Re: [ARSCLIST] MAM-A CD-R Failure issues?--from H-Oral History list

andy kolovos wrote:

Sorry for the cross-posting, this came across the oral history list this morning. Since we're on the topic I was wondering if anyone could address this matter.

What's this about?



-------- Original Message --------
Subject: A note on CD-R was Changing to Digital from Cassette Tapes
Date: Tue, 24 Jan 2006 07:14:43 -0800
From: Mary Larson <malarson@xxxxxxx>
Reply-To: H-NET/OHA Discussion List on Oral History <H-ORALHIST@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
To: H-ORALHIST@xxxxxxxxxxxxx

From: Pamela Henson <HENSONP@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: A note on CD-R was Changing to Digital from Cassette Tapes
Date: Mon, 23 Jan 2006

While the Mitsui MAM-A appear to have a good track record for
longevity, it should be noted that sound archivists have found
that they have a very high error rate when first writing the
data, sometimes to the point of failure, sometimes getting close
to the BLERmax 50.  So they should be used with caution and
tested after data burning.  Mitsui is attempting to address this

Pam Henson

Without information on the speed of recording and the recorders used, the report is hard to assess.


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