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Re: [ARSCLIST] Brunswick Records rights/Universal

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Bob Conrad" <bob618@xxxxxxxxx>
> Okay, now you've really got me confused. If these recordings are now 
> under FEDERAL law/jurisdiction thanks to the late Sonny Bono, and not 
> individual state laws, then why was Naxos sued in New York State court 
> just a few months ago? Why wasn't the case brought to federal court? 
> What you're saying doesn't make sense and I'm starting to consider the 
> possibility of moving to Vermont.
Not being a lawyer, I can't say for sure...but I suspect it was because
the recordings were originally cut in the UK, and if over 50 years old
were p.d. in that country. I don't know enough about international
copyright law to say whether or not that makes them p.d. in the US
as well...but, as I understand it, the basis for the suit was that
EMI had reissued the same material (taken from recordings in their
own archive)...?

Steven C. Barr

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