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Re: [ARSCLIST] 1/4" audio tape digitizing

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Jeffrey Kane" <jeffkane@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
> That all depends on the speed of the tape you're digitizing and the speed
> your deck. If it's 15/16 IPS and you're playing at 30IPS, you are playing
> the tape at 32x realtime and will be able to digitize an hour's worth of
> data in 1.875 minutes. I have no idea how this would sound.
It seems to me that you would run into bandwidth-limitation problems, since
the signal frequencies would also be multiplied by 32. For ordinary audio
signals of 32Hz-16KHx, the new signal bandwidth would be 1024Hz-512KHz, and
I suspect the top frequency would present problems?

Steven C. Barr

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