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Re: [ARSCLIST] Dynagroove, was Record tracking

Sorry, I don't have any specifics. The secret was revealed by a Columbia executive at a public radio music programmers' conference in about 1974.

John Ross

At 2/12/2006 08:40 PM, phillip holmes wrote:
I've never heard of this before.  Wow.  Do you know of any specific pressings?
----- Original Message ----- From: "John Ross" >
During that period, US Columbia discovered that they could substitute cellophane (or some other clear film) for vinyl. They were buying huge rolls of the stuff, without ever explaining to the supplier what it was being used for. I don' think it was the same stuff they used for shrink-wrap, but some other type of non-pertroleum-based film.

They claimed it made no difference to the sound of the disks.

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