Interesting perspective. When I transfer cassettes for clients, I use
16 bit, and if they want it processed in any way, I import it to 24
bit Protools sessions for the added range... Best of both worlds, I
like to think.
Lou Judson • Intuitive Audio
On Feb 20, 2006, at 10:00 AM, Mike Richter wrote:
Lou Judson wrote:
What about using 24 bit at 44.1 so that any noise reduction or
processing done later is higher definition?
Given that the best dynamic range on standard cassettes - assuming
Dolby B in proper calibration which is highly questionable - is
unlikely to exceed 60 db, one might suspect that 16 bits is
sufficient. Of course, processing could consume several bits and one
only has half a dozen to spare (~30 db).
For that potential, infinitesimal advantage, one is likely to spend
four to ten times as much to make the transfers counting both
equipment and time. Given infinite resources, a case can be made;
with a budget less than that of a typical multinational corporation,
such overkill is hard to justify even on theoretical grounds.