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Re: [ARSCLIST] 120 minute tapes

Does it fast-wind? If so, it should play in _some_ machine, probably one with dual capstans.

If I had this cross my doorstep, I'd send the job to Richard Hess or someone else with the specialized gear and skills to do it. And spring for a high-quality transfer because you may only get one playing out of it.

-- Tom Fine

----- Original Message ----- From: "John Loy" <jloy@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
To: <ARSCLIST@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Friday, March 10, 2006 2:35 PM
Subject: [ARSCLIST] 120 minute tapes

I have a 120 minute cassette tape that simply will not play in any cassette player we have because the tape doesn't move inside the machine. I have already swithched out the shell twice and some other unorthodox tricks I am interested in seeing what kind of ideas everyone here may have I can try to get this thing to play. Of course as luck would have it it is a one of a kind with no available copy. All replies are appreciated.
John A. Loy
Southern Folklife Collection

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