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Re: [ARSCLIST] Quarter-inch splicing tabs

Hello Karl

On 13/03/06, Karl Miller wrote:
> On Mon, 13 Mar 2006, Scott Phillips wrote:
>> I'm having much the same experience when interacting with the
>> '30-something' engineering types. I'm 53. It does make me wonder if
>> the older folks here on the list are having the same experiences.....
>> Perhaps some of us should take up teaching.
> While indeed some are and have been teaching, I sincerely believe
> there remains a need for some unified approach to the teaching of
> audio preservation. 

That would require a book that could be used as a course text, something
like Bob Katz's "Mastering Audio".

> While I know the numbers are against
> us...estimates of what needs to be reformatted versus any reasonable
> expectation for the resources to address that backlog...from my
> perspective, one of the main problems is ignorance of those empowered
> to make decisions regarding the allocation of monies which could be
> used for such preservation efforts.
>> From my perspective, and personal experience, the situation is
>> tragic. I
> wonder if part of the blame does not reside with the focus of library
> and archive education.
> Indeed, many of you should be invited to teach on a regular basis. I
> cannot help but wonder if it isn't just the survival of the old
> equipment that's important, but the skills to do the work...assuming
> there will be a younger generation interested in doing the work.
> Karl
Don Cox

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