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Re: [ARSCLIST] Editing and splicing

Hello everyone -

I'll chime in here "from the other side of the mics".  I'm a
professional oboist and have made dozens of recordings, all on period
instruments, for labels like Telarc, L'Oiseau Lyre, Naxos (in a trio
setting), Vox, Music Masters, Hannseler. We do many, many takes and
with period instruments you need a lot of takes because they are quite
a bit more tempermental and unstable than modern instruments. And if
you want to get it right you do the takes and do some splicing. But
these are not short little snippets, at least to start off with, they
are long takes starting with a whole movement to use as a basis. The
movement may be played in its entirety several times, also. Then if
little things go wrong (and they always do, even with the best players)
you do some patching of little places.

Last year in Boston Baroque (one of my orchestras) we did the Bach
Orchestra Suites and it took somewhere around 2.5 days with 2 3hr
sessions each day - that's 12-15 hrs in the studio for 1 CD's worth of
music. It was done by Telarc in Mechanics Hall, Worcester MA.

Now I've listened many times to that recordings (I think it turned out
quite good) and there's only one place that I can detect a splice and
it comes where the oboes are "highlighted". Otherwise, *I* can't tell.

I'll let you in on a little secret - sometimes someone can get a mental
block in a particularly hard passage and you have to keep re-doing it
over and over and the longer it goes the worse it gets. FINALLY they
get it right, but the pressure on EVERYONE keeps building because YOU
don't want to be the one that screws up when he finally gets it right!

Email me if your interested in my Naxos recording.

Lani Spahr

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