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Re: [ARSCLIST] Music Library System

"Richard L. Hess" wrote:

> Well, when I Google "Music Library System" I get the Indiana
> University system as the first hit. That's not what I'm talking about
> (sorry Mike!).
> This is an old system that someone wrote me about.
> >It used either 2 inch tape or 3 inch tape I can't recall which, and
> >had 7 monaural programs of 9 tracks each, color coded in a
> >dial-wheel with places to list what kind of music was on that set of
> >nine track, making a total of 63 tracks...Her unit was mono and a
> >play-and-rewind affair...play one program, rewind and play the next.
> There was also a bi-directional MLS with capabilities for stereo
> I vaguely remember it from the 60s...I think.
> Anyone know anything about this?
> Oh, my correspondent said the head looked like the one on a Magnabelt machine.
> Thanks!
> Richard

This reminds me of the logger system that was in use at one station I worked at in
the 60s. Used two-inch tape. Rotary head?


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