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Re: [ARSCLIST] Further thoughts on the new CLIR report. DVDs

On Sat, 25 Mar 2006, Mike Richter wrote:

> steven c wrote:
> > Question for the technically knowledgeable...
> >
> > Since CD's and DVD's are (AFAIK) more or less the "same animal" and
> > operate by pressing (or "burning") pits into the surface of a plastic
> > disc, why should there be any difference in the lifespan of the two?
> >
> > Do the littler "holes" fill themselves up more rapidly?
> The materials are different, though similar. In particular, the dyes
> proved for recordable CDs are not usable for DVD.
> The data density is higher on DVD than on CD. As a result, apart from
> ECC it takes less damage to lose information from a DVD than from a CD.
> I believer there are also additional failure modes for DVD, notably
> those associated with dual layers.

As for error correction...I recall many CDROM providers stating that
their product would be good for about 10 years...not much room for error
correction. With ASCII text, a few errors can go a long way.


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