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Re: [ARSCLIST] Poor sounding concert halls.

Actually, in the old studio system, actors and musicians were (and are) both paid happily quite well, but that only came about when they became unionized. Before the unions, the studios almost owned the talent with very tight controls on what they could and couldn't do, what they were paid and what hours (many twelve or more hour days) they worked .

But today, Hollywood now remains as one of the best paid dominions for talent, although as in any type of creative endeavor, the cream doesn't always rise to the top. But, if you think about the MGM musicals made in the "golden days" of movies, the results were and still are quite wonderful. We all were (and are) able to visit Oz, because of the technical, creative, and musical side of the Hollywood industry. And, as a legacy, today we still have some excellent Broadway recreations such as "Chicago".

Needless to say, I worked union and have benefited from it even today as a retiree with one of those vanishing pensions and health coverage. The Hollywood union motto is, "We Take Care of Our Own", and I can attest to that being true.

I'm sure I'll get some reverse comments regarding the Hollywood "closed shop", but that has changed since I first started (the fifties), and many can and have entered the industry if they can show that they have worked in the given profession even for a number of months. The "Catch 22" is whether some Hollywood company will hire them. Today, a person must constantly "network" to stay on the "inside" if they're lucky enough to get that initial break and knowing someone on the inside is almost a necessity. In my day, I and others got their lucky break by getting a job in the mailroom (it still happens).

As far as I know, there are very few union jurisdictional conflicts today, because those details and boundaries have been in place for decades.

Rod Stephens

Lou Judson wrote:

What a mess that would be...

Lou Judson • Intuitive Audio

On Apr 14, 2006, at 4:58 PM, steven c wrote:

What would be really interesting is to watch the Actors' union and the
Musicians' union battle over which group would represent them and which
wage scale they should be paid!

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