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Re: [ARSCLIST] Audio equipment cable shielding

Hi, Kurt,

In the studio I built last year, I wired all with type AC (aka "BX") cable where the power is inside and armoured metallic sheath, so the power starts out well shielded. This also provides a substantial ground. I have the ground ringing the main operations area of the studio, and the power panel for the studio is in the middle rear, so there is little chance of any ground voltage differential between any two points in the studio.

Wherever possible, I use balanced interconnects.

I keep low-level, unbalanced interconnects short, away from AC power. My turntable preamp is right next to the turntable and connected with well-shielded cable. In fact, the shields are only grounded at one point so, while not balanced, there is no possibility of a ground gradient superimposed on the cable.

The unbalanced connections I have are between my jackfield and the unbalanced equipment. In the jackfield are 4 Aphex 124A balanced to unbalanced converters. The jackfields are colour coded so that I know what's balanced and what's unbalanced. All the unbalanced stuff goes into the converters.

The entire monitor chain is balanced with a Blue Sky Bass Management Controller and 5 Mackie HR-824 monitors. I think the connection to the sub may be unbalanced.

I did broadcast system design professionally from 1974-1981 for ABC-TV, 1981-1983 for McCurdy Radio (along with circuit and product design), and then from 1983-2004 with National TeleConsultants. There are lots of little things. We had a saying at NTC "God is in the details."

Did you put "isolated ground" power in the studio? That often causes more hum believe it or not.

Good luck!



At 01:56 PM 4/18/2006, Kurt Nauck wrote:
We are doing some re-arranging of our studio here at the shop. We're encountering hum from the audio cables being in proximity of power cables and possibly from florescent lighting (!) Is there some way to shield audio cables from the influence of power sources? I've read that one should always cross audio and power cables rather than having them run in parallel. Any suggestions would be appreciated!

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Richard L. Hess email: richard@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
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