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Re: [ARSCLIST] Checksums

At 09:01 AM 4/27/2006, Miriam Meislik wrote:
Good morning,

We use Toast442.org's MD5, http://www.toast442.org/, to run our checksums. It is free Windows software and works rather well from our perspective. We have used it for about 3 years. All checksums generated are kept in the folder containing the digital files and is named so that we know exactly what it is for. In our case, we give everything a batch number, so the checksum is saved using that particular batch code. Should the data in folder change, a very rare occurrence, the checksum would be run again.

In the three years that you (or anyone else) have been using this, has it ever reported an error that was not reported by the operating system?

If you have had an error reported by either the checksum software or the operating system, was it repairable in any way or did you go to another copy?



Tape Restoration Seminar: MAY 9-12, 2006; details at Web site.
Richard L. Hess email: richard@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Aurora, Ontario, Canada (905) 713 6733 1-877-TAPE-FIX
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