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Re: [ARSCLIST] National Recording Preservation Board (NRPB) Study

The Mercury Storyteller series were the records I wore out.

A little older, it was To The Moon 6-LP series from Time-Life and "Gallant Men" by Sen. Everett Dirkson on Capitol. Plus, when I was a youngster, WRVR NY played old radio shows every evening. I just as soon never hear another Shadow or Lone Ranger episode, but they were fun back then.

Even when I was a small tike, I did not like sing-song kiddie records one bit.

Do any of you remember the Show N Tell slide-strip/record players? That was a great device. Also the later Viewmaster with the little grooved record attached to the wheel, although most of the content was lame.

-- Tom Fine

----- Original Message ----- From: "Richard L. Hess" <arclists@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
To: <ARSCLIST@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Tuesday, May 16, 2006 10:21 AM
Subject: Re: [ARSCLIST] National Recording Preservation Board (NRPB) Study

At 09:36 AM 5/16/2006, Karl Miller wrote:
On Mon, 15 May 2006, Tom Fine wrote:

> Kiddie records and novelty things are another matter, but I
question the historical value of most of
> that stuff.

Some of the kiddie records are quite fascinating.

As a young'un my folks got me a phonograph. I don't know what happened to it after I got a MagnaVox, but I suspect it was trashed.

Anyway, one of the first records that came with it was "We're Building A City" which I think I wore out (no record of where that record went, either). Later my mother told me that she thought something was wrong with me and had actually called the doctor. I would put the record on and play it over and over while rocking back and forth in front of it.

And look what happened to me <smile>.



Richard L. Hess email: richard@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
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